What I Wish I Knew Twenty Years Ago

A question on design twitter prompted me to create this short list of the things that ultimately helped me navigate a career in tech and design. Understand that the bulk of your work is actually about understanding human behavior and not about any specific tools or...

The Eternal Beginner

Early this year, I had a dental appointment for a teeth cleaning. The hygienist was out sick, so the dentist did the cleaning himself. Before he started, he told me “I just want you to know I’ve done a lot of cleanings, but I’m probably not going to be as graceful as...

Collaboration as a Practice

One thing I like to do on every project is to set aside dedicated collaboration time as one of our standard rituals. If something is important, you need to be proactive about it. Let me tell you how this worked on a past project. One of the first things I put on our...

The Hits We Take

I used to be an avid follower of pro football. My Sundays were spent parked in front of the TV. Then I realized I already had too much disappointment in my life; I didn’t need to add continual frustration over the Detroit Lions inability to get their shit together....

“The Pony Club Way”

There is an equestrian club for kids in the UK & US called Pony Club. Similar to 4H but focused solely on equestrian sports, they have very, um, specific standards about care of horses and tack. Some of which are rooted in safety, some of which are rooted in...